How to Write Your Senior’s Obituary

Writing your senior’s obituary might not be a task that you are looking forward to, but it needs to be done. Sometimes people write their own obituaries years in advance, but people are equally likely to ignore this part of the end-of-life process.
Ask if She Wants to Be Involved
Some people want to be involved in writing their obituary while other people don’t. Talk to your senior about what she wants. It’s possible that she might not want to be involved in the entire process, but possibly has some information that she definitely wants you to include. The better prepared you are the more likely you’ll be to feel good about the finished result.
Consider Where the Obituary Is Going to Run
It’s important to consider where the obituary is going to appear. If you’re submitting it to your local newspaper or even just to your senior’s funeral home, they may have some specific requirements, such as length, that will have an effect on your finished result. Keep all of that in mind as you determine what you’ll include.
Include the Basics
No matter where your senior’s obituary appears, there are some bits of information that are going to be standard. Her name, for instance, should be her full name. Where and when she was born, where she lived, and when she died are also important pieces of information. If she had children and grandchildren, that information might appear as well. You might also want to include information about whether to send flowers or contributions to a charity in her name.
Determine Whether You Want to Include Something Personal
You can also get more personal within an obituary if you want. Your version might include your senior’s favorite quote or a short anecdote about her life that she particularly enjoyed. Hobbies, exciting details, and anything unusual might also get a mention. You may want to consider the privacy of your senior and her remaining family while adding these sorts of details.
Proofread Everything
One of the most important details, once you’ve written everything out, is to proofread everything before you submit it. It’s really easy to make mistakes and you don’t want those to be preserved forever. You might want to ask someone else to proofread for you to make sure you catch every typo that you can.
Do what you can to make your elderly family member’s obituary as honest and respectful as possible. This is something that will last long after your senior has passed away and a certain amount of reverence is in order. If you’re still having trouble with this, hospice elder care providers can put you in touch with resources that can help.