What Factors Contribute to Quality of Life for Your Family Member?

November 21, 2018

Quality of life can seem like a term that is extremely vague, but it boils down to your family member being able to enjoy the time that she has left. She needs to be able to have the social and emotional connections that she wants while also dealing with the physical issues that might be giving her a difficult time. It’s a balance that is easier to achieve with some help.


How She’s Feeling Physically

Pain or other feelings of general physical discomfort can seriously affect your family member’s ability to enjoy each day. Other issues your family member might be facing could include nausea, lack of appetite, or trouble breathing. Finding ways to manage these symptoms can seem difficult at first, but with the help of experienced hospice elder care providers, you can try a variety of tactics.


Emotional and Psychological Factors

If your family member is worried about her illness or about leaving family members behind, this can cause trouble for her mentally and emotionally. She may not be coping well with these feelings and she may not be able to express them in a way that is healthy or productive. When your family member is worried or upset, it’s difficult for her to focus on the here and now.


Family and Social Relationships

Chronic illnesses that are reaching their final stages take a massive toll on relationships and on friendships. If your family member is finding it difficult to be able to have the interactions that she wants to have, that can make this stage of her life more difficult than it has to be. Other family members may need to deal with their grief and sense of loss as well in order to interact the way that they truly want to.


Grief and Feelings of Loss

At the end of her life, your senior may find that she’s regretting the things that she hasn’t been able to do. She may also be feeling a sense of loss if this stage of her life is dramatically different than she always expected it to be. Having the right support now can help her to come to terms with the reality of the situation and accept it for how it is.

It’s difficult to correct every aspect of quality of life for your family member on your own. Hospice elder care services can help to support both you and your family member as you work toward giving her the best quality of life that you possibly can.


If you or a loved-one have questions about End of Life Care in Trenton, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Serenity Hospice. Call today, we can help:  (609)-227-2400

Serenity Hospice provides caring and compassionate hospice care services to patients and families throughout New Jersey.
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