How Do You Get Proper End-of-life Care When You Don’t Know What Your Senior Wants?

November 14, 2018

Ideally, you and your aging family member would talk about her end-of-life wishes well before she’s unable to let you know what she wants. But life doesn’t always work out that way, unfortunately. If you’re in a position where you’re wondering what to do, this might help.


Think about What She’s Mentioned in the Past

Even if you and your elderly family member didn’t talk specifically about what she might want in this situation, you may still have an idea what she has mentioned in the past. She may have also talked to her doctor about some of what she might have wanted in terms of care at the end of her life. Explore all of those options in order to piece together a plan for now.


Consider Opinions She’s Expressed about Other Peoples’ Care

If your elderly family member ever expressed opinions about the care that other people received, that can help you now. Often seeing someone else in certain situations can make people respond in a way that expresses how they might want things to go for them. Try to think through your aging adult’s responses to some of those situations.


What Did She Consider Important?

When you think back over your aging adult’s life, what is it that she valued and that she felt was important? Those kinds of memories can help you to determine what she would want today. Seemingly small details can help you to keep this time in your aging adult’s life in perspective.


Keep Her Current Treatment Plan in Mind

Chances are good that your family member has had a treatment plan in motion already. If that’s the case, you might find that it’s not as difficult as you might think to follow that plan through. Work with her doctor to determine if that’s an option for her situation.


Is She Comfortable?

One of the biggest considerations for your aging adult at this time is her overall comfort level. If she’s not experiencing pain or other significant discomforts, then what you’re doing is working for her. Having end-of-life care providers available to help you to assess her comfort levels can help you to feel more in charge of her overall situation.

When you don’t know what your family member would have done or chosen for her end-of-life care, you might feel as if you’re constantly doing the wrong thing. This is why it helps to make decisions with the information that you have and from a compassionate space.

If you or a loved-one have questions about End of Life Care in Princeton, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Serenity Hospice. Call today, we can help:  (609)-227-2400

Serenity Hospice provides caring and compassionate hospice care services to patients and families throughout New Jersey.
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