Four Reasons to Consider Hospice Elder Care
Preparing for the end of your senior family member’s life is a difficult task and it can be demanding. Hospice-elder care providers can do so much for your senior and for you during this complicated time.
Comfort Care
The term “comfort care” can sound a little bit vague, but the idea behind it is that there are so many different symptoms your family member may be facing right now. She may be dealing with difficulty breathing, pain, trouble sleeping, and more. All of this impacts her ability to get through each day and hospice elder care providers can help by attending to those symptoms as they pop up.
Emotional Support
Your senior’s physical comfort is important, but so too is her emotional comfort. This is a difficult time for your senior, particularly if she has been dealing with a terminal illness for some time. This gives her a chance to work through her feelings, but she may need help with that along the way. Elder care providers can put her in touch with the resources that she needs to be able to cope as well as possible.
An Extra Set of Hands
If there’s one thing that caregivers know well, it’s that there’s always need for an extra set of hands. Hospice elder care providers know what tasks are on your to-do list and they can help you either handle them or find the right assistance to take it over for you. They can also be just the right substitute for you when you need to take some time away.
Support for the Unknown
There’s a lot that you can’t predict at the end of your senior’s life. There’s a lot that you might never think about preparing for, too. No matter how much you know and understand about your family member’s current and future health issues, there’s so much that falls into the category of unknown. Having experienced elder care providers on hand can help you to feel less overwhelmed by the unknown when it does crop up.
In the end, your needs and your senior family member’s needs are going to be what helps you to decide whether hospice elder care is for her. You may want to talk to her doctor about projected health issues and about how her current health is likely to change in the short run. That can help you to realize what she truly needs.